Caring for LGBTQ Patients Through the Lens of Reproductive Medicine

Molly Moravek, MD, MPH, MSCI, Director of Fertility Preservation, IVF Medical Director, University of Michigan

November 19, 2019

Dr. Molly Moravek guest lecturer November 19, 2019 for the semiannual MSREI meeting presented her insights about reproductive endocrine and family-building care for our LGBTQ community with an emphasis on transgender patients.


Molly Moravek, MD


Gestational Carrier Family Building (IVF Surrogacy)

James Goldfarb, MD, Medical Director, University Hospitals Fertility Centers, CWRU, Cleveland

May 7, 2019

Dr. James Goldfarb guest lecturer May 7, 2019 for the semiannual MSREI meeting presented the historical progress providing gestational carrier family building within the United States. He shares his personal experiences caring for the parents and their  gestational carrier that led to the first baby born in the United States through this fertility treatment.


James Goldfarb, MD

Evidence-Based Practice of Reproductive Medicine. The Discipline of Challenging Settled Ideas.

Alan Penzias, MD, Practice Committee Chair, ASRM,

November 6, 2018

Dr. Alan Penzias guest lecturer November 6, 2018 for the semiannual MSREI meeting presents the differences and processes in developing and publishing ASRM Committee Opinions, Guidance Documents and Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Endometrial Receptivity Analysis - The Other Half of the Picture?

Gary Harton, PhD, Chief Operating Office - US Igenomix,

Hon. Senior Lecturer, University of Kent, April 4, 2018

Gary Harton, PhD, COO US Igenomix, guest lecturer April 4, 2018 for the semiannual Spring MSREI meeting provides us with perspective on the current advantages, limitations and potential future applications of the Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA Test).

Fertility IQ “What Patients Need to Know Before Choosing a Fertility Doctor”,

Jake Anderson-Bialis, cofounder of Fertility IQ Website, December 5, 2017

Jake Anderson-Bialis, cofounder of Fertility IQ Website, guest lecturer December 5, 2017 for the semiannual Fall MSREI meeting provides us with a deep-dive view through an independent consumer lens of what prospective patients seeking fertility care need to know when choosing a fertility doctor and clinic.

When Does Life Begin - Legally?,

Susan Crockin, JD, May 2, 2017

Susan Crockin, JD, guest lecturer May 2nd, 2017 for the semiannual Spring MSREI meeting takes us on a deep dive journey to discover the power of language, law and when life begins as viewed through the lens of assisted reproductive technology - in vitro fertilization.

Eggs and Sperm from a Buccal Smear,

Dr. Eli Adashi, November 2, 2016

Dr. Eli Adashi,, guest lecturer November 2nd, 2016, for the semiannual Fall MSREI meeting calls on us to challenge settled ideas in reproductive medicine proposing possible pathways to overcome limits of our gametes that can lead to fertility success.

New Directions in the Evaluation of

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss,

Dr. Billy Kutteh, May 2, 2016

Dr. Billy Kutteh, guest lecturer May 2nd, 2016, for the semiannual Spring MSREI meeting provides insights and progressive clinical approach to caring for women and men struggling to overcome infertility caused by recurrent pregnancy losses. Emphasis is on good hope for success to have healthy children.

1st Class IVF - 2nd Class Genetics: Can We Do Better?

Dr. Mark Evans, November 11, 2015

Dr. Mark Evans, guest lecturer November 11, 2015, for the semiannual MSREI meeting provides insights about advantages, limitations, and sensible utility of preimplantation and prenatal genetic testing.

The Eeva Test Story,

Dr. Barry Behr, MSREI Lecture, May 4th, 2015

Dr. Barry Behr guest lecturer May 4, 2015, for the semiannual MSREI meeting tells the ground breaking story of how the Eeva Test evolved: a unique algorithm of time lapse embryo development monitoring assists in selecting an embryo with the best potential to become a baby.

Implications of FASTT and FORT-T Trials,

Dr. Richard Reindollar MSREI lecture, November 11th, 2014

Dr. Richard Reindollar, guest lecturer November 11, 2014, for the semiannual MSREI meeting provides insights and updates on Implications from the NIH-Funded FASTT and FORT-T clinical trials for contemporary infertility care.

Vitrification: Game Changer in IVF Practice,

Dr. Michael Tucker MSREI Lecture, May 12th, 2014

Dr. Michael Tucker, guest lecturer May 12, 2014, for the semiannual MSREI meeting provides insights and updates on cryopreservation technology in clinical IVF practice.

Oncofertility for Young Cancer Patients

Dr. Teresa Woodruff MSREI Lecture, November, 7th 2013

Dr. Teresa Woodruff, guest lecturer for the semiannual MSREI meeting provides insight about advances in the fertility and endocrine care of young cancer patients. Presented November 7, 2013. Dr. Woodruff also provided the inaugural lecture for the Michigan Oncofertility Society that evening.